Saturday 23 August 2008

Synchronised Driving.

The Beijing 2008 Olympic Games is ending soon.

Somehow I got turned off by the word 'Beijing' eversince SPG went there on the pretext of spending her-quarter-of-a-century-birthday on a trail to find her Chinese Islamic roots in some parts of mainland China away from Beijing.

Days before her trip, she hassled me for $7000 which was a sum I totally rejected due to the fact that I knew her evil plans. It was not about finding her roots. It was not about finding Islam. It was something else and it has to do with her Drunkard Ang Moh Lover.

I do not know how she tricked her family and friends but they stupidly lent her that amount for her trip. The keyword here is 'LENT'. She stressed that she knows nobody there and will be ALONE in a big land.

Anyway, she spent 2 weeks with that guy on a wild trip. She shouted at me when I called to find out how she was doing 'all alone in China' and whether she had found her roots.

No, she did not find her roots.
No, she did not do anything significant of Islamic values.

She came back home and called me for some money to pay her medical bill. She had some infections in her private parts. She blamed the water of China that caused her infections.

So do all ladies in China suffer from the same ailment as she?

Deja Vu!!!

Last year, she came back from KUL suffering from the same infections in her private parts after spending 3 nights 'secretly' with her DAML. I paid for her medical bill.

I'm an adult. I knew what had happened and kept quiet.

That Drunkard Ang Moh Lover of hers must have enjoyed his stay in Beijing!
He struck gold.

Hence, the word 'Beijing' turned me off and it was painful for me to watch the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games.
Nur Farah Damri is nothing but trouble.
But I sure am proud of Michael Phelps for his eight Gold Medals that he won. He beat Mark Spitz's record of winning seven Gold Medals in Swimming.

Deja Vu for the American 4X100m relay.
They dropped the baton again?!!

What really really made my heartbeat pounding happily was Usain Bolt and how he won 3 Gold Medals for Jamaica with his teammate, Asafa Powell.

My heart went for them.

Wow! Jamaica.

Wasn't there a film about Jamaica's Winter Olympic Team?
It's about a sledge, I think ....

Speaking of transportation and the Olympics,
have you heard of Synchronised Driving?

Well then, enjoy this video clip!


Ira Roslan said...

I came across your blog by accident, saw this post, baffled.... couldn't help but to mention that I've known her too... since 2006.

But I didn't know this.
If I may, I'd love to be in touch, to know just a little more. She seems to be avoiding me and I'm guessing I ought to feel bad. But now I need to know if I really ought to, or if it's just not worth the concern.

spymaster said...

To that person who tried to contact me.

Could you send me an email?

By the way, are you the same person who commented here??? -->

Is it wrong to surprise someone whom you've been going out with and whom you love by being at the dentist when she is having her wisdom tooth extraction?